Thursday, July 7, 2011

Independence Day Celebrations!

Every year on July 3, our neighborhood has a block party. To kick off the fun, the kids decorate their bikes and parade them around the block.




After the parade, the host of the party set off a firework that released 30 parachutes. All the kids raced after the parachutes to catch them. Audrey was the only one who caught one. The other two were too busy covering their ears because of the noise.

Finally, it was time to eat, and for most of our neighbors, drink. We left around 8:30, the party didn’t end till about 3 a.m. Our neighbors like to party!

On Independence Day, we took the girls to the local parade, and then I took Lori and Audrey to see the fireworks that night. They enjoyed lighting sparklers with their neighbor friends while we waited.



Happy Birthday America!!


Camping Time At Last

After much waiting, we finally had a semi dry to weekend to go camping. The girls were beyond themselves with excitement. They even purchased bug kits and butterfly nets at The Dollar Store for the occasion.


We chose Springbrook State Park in Guthrie Center Iowa as our first camping destination. There was a lake, many nice trails, and playground to keep us entertained. But the best part about camping for us, is sharing the experience with our good buddies, the Kniffens. Here we are enjoying S’Mores (the girls favorite part).


After supper and playing at the playground, it was time for the much anticipated Fire Fly catching. The girls and their friends, Colton and Wyatt, got out their nets and bug kits and started their search.


Unfortunately, because of all the campfire smoke, there weren’t many to be found.

After the bug search, it was time for bed. We woke up that morning to thunder, followed by a torrential downpour. We ended up packing everything up and heading home.

Despite the rain, we had a fabulous time and can’t wait to do it again soon (minus the rain of course).