Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fun at the Iowa State Fair

The state fair is a bittersweet time for us. Sweet in that we have lots o fun there, but bitter in knowing that the fair means summer is almost over.


We always begin our time at Little Hands on the Farm. The girls enjoy pretending to be farmers, mostly because they know they get to pick a treat at the end.




In front of the largest pumpkin.


Cotton candy fun!



I think the cotton candy was the highlight.


Natalie’s got a bigger beard than Grandpa!


Can’t forget the big slide. The girls had so much fun they rode it twice!


Last but not least, the girls had some fun on the rides.


Fun times at the fair!


Sewing Project #1


Lori couldn’t wait to get started on a sewing project when we got her book Sewing School in the mail. She of course chose one of the hardest projects in the book, an apron. Doing this project together taught us both diligence and patience. Lori did very well at cutting out the pattern. Next came the sewing.


The trickiest part of sewing for Lori is how to hold the fabric while it goes through the machine. She has a tendency to tug or push on it causing the sewing machine to knot up. This is where the patience came in. I was about ready to pull my hair out after the tenth time of rethreading the machine.


We made it through though, and the final project is a well put together apron. Lori uses her apron to play waitress, hairdresser, store, and hotel. It was a fun project for us both, and I’m looking forward to the next one!